With more than 25 years of experience...
- We have finalized the Journal of Management special issue on event-oriented research. See our article where we summarize the nine amazing articles in the special issue and discuss the future possibilies of event-oriented research.
- Volume 12 of the Annual Review of Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior is now available! Check out the exceptional reviews from the field's leading scholars.
- Enjoyed my conversation with Omnia Al Desoukie at The HR Observer about the future of work.
- Curious about how culture might shape the influence of work design characteristics? Check out some answers in a recent article in Journal of Management with colleagues Kameron Carter, Andera Hetrick, Meng Chen, Stephen Humphrey, and Brian Hoffman.
- What does work and leadership look like in a post-pandemic world? I address these questions in my keynote at MSU's WorkLife conference.
- Excited to have reviewed all the event-oriented organizational behavior research being conducted in a recent article in Journal of Management with colleagues Dong Liu, Jinlong Zhu, and Xueqing Fan.
- Honored to be one of the top .23% most highly cited scholars in the world across 20 scientific disciplines and over 10.2 million scientists according to a 2024 Stanford analysis.
- "I Know How I Feel but Do I Know How You Feel," a recent article in Journal of Applied Psychology with colleagues Zhenyu Yuan and Xiaoyu Wang exploring inaccuracy and bias in Leader-Member Exchange judgements. Here's also a more accessible summary of the article.
- I am excited to be working with the U.S. Army Research Institute on the future of event-based leadership.