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Frederick P. Morgeson, Ph.D.

Editor, Annual Review of Organizational Psychology and
Organizational Behavior

Eli Broad Professor of Management
Broad College of Business
Michigan State University


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With more than 25 years of experience...

Frederick P. Morgeson (Ph.D., Purdue University) is the Eli Broad Professor of Management at Michigan State University and current and founding Editor of the Annual Review of Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior. As an Industrial and Organizational psychologist,  Dr. Morgeson is internationally recognized as one of the most prolific and highly-cited scholars in the world (with over 100 publications and over 38,000 citations). He is creator of Event System Theory and the Work Design Questionnaire, an award-winning educator, a leader in the field (previous Editor of Personnel Psychology, past Chair of the Academy of Management Human Resources Division, and Founding Editor of Annual Review of Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior), and an active organizational consultant (over 130 organizations). He has presented at universities and conferences around the world and has earned many awards for his research, including numerous best paper awards, citations, and nominations, and won the Distinguished Scientific Award for Early Career Contribution from the American Psychological Association. In recognition of this, Dr. Morgeson has been named Fellow of Academy of Management, American Psychological Association, Association for Psychological Science, and Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology.

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New and Notable
  • Volume 11 of the Annual Review of Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior is now available! Check out the exceptional reviews from the field's leading scholars.
  • Curious about how culture might shape the influence of work design characteristics? Check out some answers in a recent article in Journal of Management with colleagues Kameron Carter, Andera Hetrick, Meng Chen, Stephen Humphrey, and Brian Hoffman.
  • Excited to have reviewed all the event-oriented organizational behavior research being conducted in a recent article in Journal of Management with colleagues Dong Liu, Jinlong Zhu, and Xueqing Fan.
  • Honored to be one of the top .03% most highly cited scholars in the world across 20 scientific disciplines and over 9.61 million scientists according to a 2023 analysis.
  • "I Know How I Feel but Do I Know How You Feel," a recent article in Journal of Applied Psychology with colleagues Zhenyu Yuan and Xiaoyu Wang exploring inaccuracy and bias in Leader-Member Exchange judgements. Here's also a more accessible summary of the article.
  • Enjoyed my conversation with Ken Szymusiak and Amy Wisner about healthcare recruiting and retention on the Broad Matters Podcast.
  • Does employee turnover start another cycle of turnover? For answers, see our Turnover Event Theory in Personnel Psychology (a Wiley Top Cited article from 2021-2022).
  • I am excited to be working with the U.S. Army Research Institute on the future of event-based leadership.